JA Voice LLC
Voice Actor

JAVoice is a professional voice over artist business that specializes in:
Narration, Scripts, Documentary, Character Voices, and long-term and short-term contracts.
With a rich background in book narration spanning over 3 years, JAVoice has provided exceptional voice work across various topics. Operating from a fully equipped home studio, JAVoice ensures quick turnaround recordings for clients. The owner's journey began with writing books, transitioned into streaming and reading, and has now delivered captivating live readings of nearly 80 books. The business aims to showcase a wide range of voice styles, as well as a professional work environment.
30 min
1 hr
Rates Listed Below
Voice Pay Rates
Industry standards average around .20 to .35 per word.
My rates are .10 to .15 per word.
Industry Standards Per Finished Hour:
$1,500 - $3,000 pfh
My rates are $500 pfh
Industry standards for PFM (per finished minute):
$30 - $55 pfm
My rates are $15 pfm
*Rates are negotiable. Your project is more important to me than you can know. Do not let money stand in the way of a fully realized dream or goal. I will work with you to make it happen.*
Thank you!
JA Voice LLC 2025
Discord: the_book_father
Email: javoicellc@gmail.com